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"No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here." |
The Adult Groups Bible Study - Tuesday Morning 9:30 AM Where two or three are gathered, Jesus told us, he is present! You are invited to this Pastor lead bible study each Tuesday morning 9:30 until 11:00 AM. Those who have done this have found this to be one of the most valuable things they do for their spiritual life. You should try it! Young at Heart Club - 1st Thursday of the month at 10:30 AM If you're 50 or older....And you like to get out....And you like good friends...and you like great foods ... Then the Young at Hearts Club is the place for you! Bring a brown bag lunch. Often, there is entertainment (perhaps a musical group or a guest speaker). About every three months, we have a Pot Luck Luncheon! We take day-trips to different places, using buses so you can come along for the ride and enjoy the day! "L" Circle - Wednesday from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM Love! Labor! Loyalty! The COTM Quilting group meets weekly in the lower-level Multi-Purpose Room in our handicapped accessible facility. Hand-quilting is completed for individuals for a fee, and proceeds are divided equally between the neighborhood T.E.A.M. food pantry, Meals on Wheels, and the church general fund. Come when you can, leave when you must. Delightful fellowship is provided, and hand-quilting instructions are willingly shared! Soul Food Fellowship - 3rd Tuesday monthly, usually at 7 PM (Sept. - May) The purpose of the Soul Food Fellowship Group is for spiritual sharing and book discussion. A calendar of events is created in May to be used from September until May the following year. Events may include invited speakers, video viewing, field trips, and book discussion. In addition, snacks are often served in our 1½ - 2 hour gatherings. All adults are welcome to participate! Start Your Own Group If
you have an interest that you believe would fit into the
of life of Church
of The Master and want to invite
people to join you to form a group – let us know and
we’ll strategize how to launch it. |
Original Website Design
and Development by Gus Elia, adjustments since made by Lauren Goodman. |